Book now and secure your accommodation for the spring semester 2025!
Prices from 5 900, -

Frequently Asked Questions


Living at Campus Living

Who can live at Campus Living?


You are over 18 years of age and a student either at a school, vocational school, college or university that is approved by Lånekassen. Part-time student minimum 15 credits per semester. If you are under the age of 18, your parents may be responsible in the rental agreement.

What does the dwelling contain?


Most of our apartment types are furnished with bed, desk with chair and storage cabinet. Our kitchens are equipped with appliances and the bathrooms are tiled with toilet, shower, sink, mirror and cupboards.

For more information on what the different homes contain, see our ads:

Bislett (Oslo): Click here.

Gløshaugen (Trondheim): Click here.

Voll (Trondheim): Click here.

Gjovik: Click here.

Can I stay with friends/partners?


If the housing type allows several residents, it is possible to live with a partner/friends. You can specify this in the application form.

For our collectives the following applies:

If you prefer to live with friends in a collective, you can specify who you want to share a home with in the
application form. We will endeavour to accommodate your wishes, if there are vacant accommodation units in the collective.

Can I rent parking space?


Parking is available at all Campus Living properties. Below you can see what applies to the different properties:

Bislett, Oslo: There is the possibility of renting car parking space in garage facilities. Contact Onepark for details on price and terms. More information about the parking facility can be found here. In addition, street parking is subject to local regulations.

Gløshaugen (Trondheim): We offer parking space rental. Please contact us for more information on pricing and availability.

Voll, Trondheim: We offer car park rental. Please contact us for more information on pricing and availability.

Gjovik: We will be able to offer rental of parking spaces during 2025. In addition, street parking is subject to local regulations.

Bicycle Parking


Campus Living offers bike parking on all of its properties. You will get more information when moving in about their location.

Can I have animals?


It is not allowed with animal husbandry. The exception is if there are good reasons for keeping animals and it is not bothersome to the landlord or other residents of the property.

Are the dwellings furnished?


Most of our units are furnished with en suite bathrooms, with the exception of a few. Please see our ads for further information.

Bislett (Oslo):
Click here.

Gløshaugen (Trondheim): Click here.

Voll (Trondheim): Click here.

Gjovik: Click here.



Cleaning company cleans common areas weekly (does not apply to common areas inside collections/dormitories). All residents have to clean up after themselves.

Fire safety


Our properties have a fire alarm with a direct link to the fire brigade and security company. We ask everyone staying with us to familiarise themselves with fire instructions and escape routes. Fire instructions can be found in your rental contract under item 10.

Can I receive mail and parcels? /What is my mailing address? /Where can I find my mailbox?


Below you can see what applies to the different properties:

Bislett, Oslo : Your name, Apartment number, Falbes gate 5B, 0170 Oslo.

Gløshaugen (Trondheim) : Your name, Collective number, Klæbuveien 22, 7030 Trondheim

Voll, Trondheim : Your name, Apartment number/collective ID, Vegamot 1, 7049 Trondheim

Gjovik : Your name, Apartment number, Marcus Thranes, 2821 Gjøvik



All of our properties have camera surveillance in entrances. Outside working hours (08:30-15:30) for the rental manager and janitor, we have an agreement with a security guard service so that you always have a contact person around the clock. Our wardens carry out inspections at varying times to reduce unwanted traffic and behaviour as well as to ensure that our house rules are upheld. By calling +47 24 20 007 00 outside office opening hours you will be put over to one of our security guards.

House Rules


All tenants are obliged to comply with given house order rules - see your signed tenancy agreement with us, under item 10. The landlord may, if necessary, amend these House Rules. Any change to the house rules will take effect immediately and will be notified to tenants via email, sms and/or website.

Is it permissible to paint/hang things up on walls?


This is allowed only by written agreement with the landlord. This means that it is not allowed to drill holes and install screws, shelves, flat screens, etc. without consent. If you have received consent to hang up, this should remain in the apartment when you move out.



All our properties are equipped with communal laundry for a fee.

Bislett, Oslo: You only need an app to wash clothes with us. You don't have to bring detergent with you or think about how much soap you need. The machine will fix that all by itself. It's that simple! In case of errors or questions, please contact For more information about AirWallet, see here.

Gløshaugen (Trondheim) : You only need an app to wash clothes with us. You don't have to bring detergent with you or think about how much soap you need. The machine will fix that all by itself. It's that simple! In case of errors or questions, please contact For more information about AirWallet, see here.

Voll, Trondheim : All you need is an app to do laundry with us. You don't have to bring detergent with you or think about how much soap you need. The machine will fix that all by itself. It's that simple! In case of errors or questions, please contact For more information about AirWallet, see here.

Gjovik: You will be issued a card to wash clothes, when moving in. You don't need to bring detergent with you or think about how much soap to put in, the machine will fix that all by itself. It's that simple!

Is there access to the internet?


There is internet access in all the properties. This is included in the rent you pay. Login details are provided in the move-in document.



All of our properties have janitor/dirft technicians who maintain the property weekly.

Can I stay after the rental period has expired?


Existing tenants who wish to continue living at Campus Living for a new lease period will need to apply for a new contract as will others. The landlord will endeavour to allow tenants who are awarded a new contract to stay in the same residence, if this is desired.

We recommend that you apply quickly as soon as we open for this (usually in February/March). Follow us on our website or on Instagram.

Can I sublet the property?


You must apply to sublet the accommodation and it must be approved by Campus Living.

Locking (what do I do if I lost my keys/can't get in?)


If you have lost keys/need help with locking, please contact us at: +47 24 20 07 00.

Aeration and ventilation


A good indoor climate is important for both you and your home. Boligbygd Oslo KF gives you good advice on what you can do to create a good indoor climate. Watch video produced by Residential BuildingSlokf.

Garbage and waste


Bislett, Oslo: You will find waste containers in the basement of the building.
(Trondheim): You will find waste containers in the basement of the building.
Voll (Trondheim): You will find waste containers outside the buildings.
Gjovik: You will find waste containers at the main entrance.

For other waste (cardboard, glass, plastic etc.), see the list of waste sites below:

Oslo: Click here.

Trondheim: Click here.

Gjovik: Click here.



Gjovik: In the shared laundry room you will find both washing machines and dryers. The washing machines are self-dosing, and no detergent or fabric softener should be used. Using your own detergent or fabric softener can damage the machine and cause leakage. Both detergent and fabric softener are perfume-free to spare users with allergies.  You will be issued a laundry card upon arrival and a username/password to Miele website. Remember to select “Norway”.

Gløshaugen/Voll/ Bislett: At the communal laundry room you will find both washing machines and dryers. The washing machines are self-dosing, and no detergent or fabric softener should be used. Using your own detergent or fabric softener can damage the machine and cause leakage. Both detergent and fabric softener are perfume-free to spare users with allergies. Our laundry machines from Electrolux/Miele has an App called AirWallet where you can book machines and get a complete overview of the laundry. You can see how many machines are in use at any given time and replenish your laundry account with electronic deposit. User guide AirWallet can be found here.

Lock System (and Gate Phone) User Guide


Gjøvik/Bislett: Everyone staying with us must use “Mobile Access” through the Livvi app, to enter and exit the building. Each and every unique digital key is issued by the landlord. With the Livvi app you get access to your apartment, common areas and common doors. The app is designed to be easy to set up and use. Livvi will let you use your mobile device as a key on the property. Livvi's quick start guide helps you through the installation process and can be read here.

Gløshaugen: You will be given a key chip when moving in and user guide.
Voll: You will be given a key when you move in.

Are you having problems with “Mobile accssess” through the Livvi app?


See “Livvi”'s quick start guide here.

We recommend that you try the following:
1. Check your bluetooth settings (turned on).

2. Check and update to latest iOS/ Android version.

3. Log out of the Livvi app.

4. Exit the Livvi app/reinstall the Livvi app-> Log in again.

Tenant's duties during the rental period


Daily cleaning: The tenant is responsible for keeping the accommodation clean and in good condition through daily cleaning.

Minor repairs: The tenant must take care of minor repairs such as replacing light bulbs, fuses, and cleaning the drain at least 2 times a month.

Damage caused by the tenant: Any damage caused by the tenant or guests to the accommodation shall be remedied/covered by the tenant. This can include damage to walls, floors, or fixtures.

Damage prevention: The tenant should take simple measures to prevent damage, such as providing adequate ventilation to avoid mold, or sealing leaks quickly.

Landlord Notification: The tenant must notify the landlord of major maintenance needs, or damages that the tenant cannot repair themselves.

Cleaning of common areas: If you stay in a collective, the tenant has a responsibility to contribute to the cleaning of common areas.

Indoor climate and waste: All tenants must contribute to a good indoor climate and not leave garbage or other waste behind. This should be thrown in the designated place where you live.

Social responsibility: All residents are encouraged to be aware of each other's well-being and to report if they see anyone not well.

Rent Act: Please note that the provisions of the Rent Act also apply. This highlights only a few key points.

Booking  / Pricing

How much does it cost to stay at Campus Living?


Price and information about the apartment types can be found below.

Bislett (Oslo): Click here.

Gløshaugen (Trondheim): Click here.

Voll (Trondheim): Click here.

Gjovik: Click here.

What does rent and community costs include?


The regular rent includes internet, sewer charges, hot water, janitorial services and weekly cleaning of common areas.

In addition to the regular rent, an a-account is paid for electricity per month. Electricity is calculated once per year after 2 semesters of study based on actual consumption. The tenant takes out his own home insurance and pays a fee to the communal laundry.

The prices stated on the website are valid for the period from 01. August of the current year until the 31st. July the following year. Then there will be new rents to take into account general price growth and the market.

When can I apply?


You can apply all year round. If we do not have an available apartment for you, you may be placed on a waiting list.

What is the rental period?


Normally we enter into rental contracts for one year at a time - semester contracts only apply to Campus Living Voll. Rental start and move-in date is 01. August in which the tenancy will run until July 31 of the following year. Note that a new contract is not guaranteed, and must be applied for. The tenancy may not be terminated by the tenant during the tenancy, but subletting is permitted subject to approval from Campus Living.

How is the deposit paid? /How does the deposit scheme work? /When does the deposit have to be paid?


The tenant can choose between a deposit or a rental guarantee from Tryg insurance. The landlord creates this in connection with the signing of the contract via The deposit is paid 10 days before the start of the contract.

The amount will vary depending on the type of apartment and the choice of security. The exact amount can be found in the ad text on the apartment type you want.

When is the rent billed?


The rent is paid no later than the 15th of each month. Rental invoice will be mailed to you approximately 14 days before due each month with due date on 15th of each month.

How is the rent paid?


Invoice for rent is sent via You can create direct debits yourself. If you do not have a Norwegian bank account, we recommend using

Can I choose the exact residence I want?


With us, you search by type of housing rather than one specific residence. You will know exactly which residence you are going to live in when you move in. Please note that assigned housing may be changed by the landlord prior to takeover where you will be notified in advance. The types of housing may vary slightly in size and layout among themselves. If you want to live with a friend or partner it is important that you include their name and email address in your application.

Moving In - and out

Checklist - cleaning


Checklist for cleaning Dorm: Click here.

Checklist for cleaning Collective: Click here.

Checklist for cleaning Dorm (English): Click here.

Checklist for cleaning Collective (English): Click here.

When will the deposit be repaid?


The deposit will be refunded to you at the end of the tenancy, provided that all your invoices have been paid and the accommodation has been returned without damage or defects. It may take up to 4 weeks after moving out before the money is back in your account. Normally this takes about 2 weeks.

What is expected of you upon return of the home?


Moving and washing out is time consuming. How extensive it will be depends on how well it is cleaned on a daily basis. There is a requirement for complete and thorough cleaning of the dwelling before return. All of the stains and dirt should be removed, and you need to wash places that you would not normally wash during regular cleaning. Bathrooms and kitchens especially need to be washed carefully. Remember to wash inside cabinets, clean gutters and clean filters in ventilator. All damages and defects must be reported to the landlord on an ongoing basis, and well in advance of return, so that rectification can take place during the tenancy period of the responsible tenant. Any inadequate/delayed notice may cause the landlord rent losses for which the tenant may be liable.

I want to return the apartment and keys, what do I do?


90 days before your contract expires, you will be sent a digital migration protocol. Here you choose the date of handover, when the house has been cleaned and moved out of. As a tenant, you must document the condition of the dwelling in the protocol with photos and description, before vacating. Campus Living will then take an inspection of the residence and judge whether it is approved/disapproved. When it comes to handing over keys, this depends on which Campus you live on. You will be notified of this well in advance of your departure.


What to do if the stove/induction hob stops working?


In case of problems with the stove/oven/hob, you must:

1. Check the current fuse (s) in the fuse box.
2. Troubleshoot the stove/hob by manual/instruction manual (this can often be found online by searching for “manual-brand model”).

3. Checking and debugging the associated stove guard (troubleshoot and restart the stove guard, see guide here)

TIP 1: This is what to do when the stove guard beeps - Watch the video produced by Boligbyggbygd Oslo KF.

TIP 2: Alternatively check out's FAQ here.

Replacing the battery on the stove guard sensor
Some types of stove guards have a sensor that runs on battery. In this video, Boligbyggbygd Oslo KF shows how to change the battery in the sensor.

If the appliance cannot be fixed, take a picture of the product and/or serial number and send it to the responsible property manager.

What do I do if I have problems with the dishwasher/fridge/freezer?



  1. Check fuse boxes.
  2. Check that the machine is getting water by turning on the pin that sits on the kitchen faucet or in the cupboard under the kitchen sink.
  3. Check that the outlet is connected.
  4. Check that the drain in the machine is well cleaned.
  5. Troubleshoot for manual/user manual (this can often be found by searching for “manual-brand model").

Defrost fridge/freezer:

  1. Empty the freezer and set the food cold.
  2. Turn off or unplug the plug and leave the door open.
  3. Put a pan on the floor in front of the freezer and put some towels around to collect water. Drain and dry regularly.
  4. Wait for the room temperature to melt away ice and rhyme.
  5. Be careful if you use scrapers.

If the appliance cannot be fixed, take a picture of the product and/or serial number and send it to the responsible property manager.

What to do if there is no water coming from the tap or the water stopper beeps?


Locate and familiarize yourself with leakage stops. Several of our apartments are equipped with Høiax Aquasafe/Waterguard leak stops. This detects leakage from the sensor tape and activates the magnet valve that shuts off the water. It will also cut off the power supply to the power connector on the leak stopper. Best thing to do in case of error on this one is to Google the user manual online.

AquaSafe Water Stopper - Wipe sensor tape with dry cloth. Then press the Reset button to stop the alarm.

Waterguard Water Stopper - Locate and remove the cause of the leak/water spill and wipe wet sensors (Sensor tape or wireless sensors). Once the water spill have dried up, you can open the water supply by holding the Linkbox button for 3 seconds.

Water stopper beeps - Make sure that it is not wet inside the cabinet or on the underside of the molding. If it is not wet:

1. Wipe sensor tape with dry cloth.
2. Then press the Reset button to stop the alarm.

In case of water leakage: Call: 24 20 07 00

What do I do if the Waterguard beeps?


Make sure that it is not wet inside the cabinet or on the underside of the molding. If it is not wet:

1. Wipe sensor tape with dry cloth.
2. Then press the Reset button to stop the alarm.

In case of water leakage: Call 24 20 07 00

What to do if the power goes out?


Have the power gone, you should see if your neighbors are also without power. If you are the only one without electricity, the fault most likely lies with you. Examine whether fuses have gone or if the RCD has been loosened. Possible reasons for fuses dissolving are that you overload the plant by using a lot of electrical equipment at the same time. There may also be a malfunction in one of the electrical appliances or in the plant itself.

Sometimes a shutdown is planned because maintenance is to be carried out on the power grid, but most often it is associated with storms, strong winds, lightning and thunder.

What to do if the drain in the shower is clogged?


To prevent clogged drains, water damage and bad odors in the bathroom, one should clean the drain twice a year. As a tenant, you can do this all by yourself. Cleaning the drain involves more than just pouring drain cleaner down the floor grate and hoping for the best. To clean the drain, you must first take up the floor grate, so that you can access the dirt that you are going to remove. Clean the drain in six simple steps - Watch video produced by Boligbyggbygd Oslo KF - Here's how to clean the drain in the bathroom.

1. Remove the grate.
2. The next step depends on what kind of drain you have. If you have a modern bathroom with a modern sink, there is a “cup” that you should be able to easily pull up from the drain. If you have an older bathroom, you don't have this.
3. Remove hair remnants and any visible grime you see and reach in the drain and on the “cup”.
4. Feel free to use an old dish broom to scrub what has started to petrify.
5. Rinse well, feel free to let the water drain a little so you see that everything is fine.
6. Put in place the “cup” and the grate.

What to do if the sink is clogged?


In order to prevent clogged washing/waterlogging, water damage and bad odors, the siphon should be cleaned twice a year. As a tenant, you can do this all by yourself. Cleaning the siphon involves more than just pouring drain cleaner into the siphon and hoping for the best. Clean the siphon in four simple steps - Watch video produced by Boligbyggbygd Oslo KF - How to clean the siphon under the sink.

1. Put a bucket under the siphon to catch any water spills.
2. Unscrew the siphon. It's the part that looks like a cup at the bottom of the piping system.
3. Drain the siphon. Clean the cup and feel free to rinse through a little. Make sure that the bucket below catches the water.
4. Assemble the siphon. Check that the gasket (rubber ring) is tight. Replace it with a new one if not. You can buy it from a specialist dealer.



It is important to carry out regular cleaning of the dwelling, especially the kitchen and bathroom.

Exhaust fan: If you use the kitchen fan regularly, it should be cleaned frequently. The filter in the exhaust fan should be cleaned at least every quarter, preferably once a month. Watch video produced by Boligbyggbygd Oslo KF - How to clean the filter in the kitchen fan. Regular cleaning of the filters in the kitchen fan and always being present when using the hob prevents fire.
Carbon filter: In this video you will see how to replace the coal filter in the kitchen fan. This should be done every 6-24 months, depending on how much food you cook. Watch video produced by Boligbyggbygd Oslo KF - How to change the charcoal filter in the kitchen fan.

What do I do if my faucet is loose?


Visible plumbing during washing in bathrooms and kitchens should be tightened by hand, at least once a year. Some taps that drip you can try to tighten up yourself, the same applies to the shower head in the bathroom.

What do I do if the door/window creaks or the lock does not work?


Hinges, locking mechanisms and handles on doors and windows need regular lubrication or tightening. Residential Buildings Oslo KF shows you how to do it!

Watch video produced by Boligbyggbygd Oslo KF - here.

What do I do if I experience problems with the internet?


Bislett: When a resident complains to us we have to take this further with our supplier. It is not always the internet that is at fault. You as a resident must therefore answer the questions below, which we can forward to our supplier — otherwise we have almost nothing to deal with.

1. Which apartment are you in?
2. Define and describe problem — “unstable” is not necessarily telling us anything useful.
3. Are there constantly poor network signals or only for periods?
4. If this is an occasional problem, please specify time of occurrence.
5. Is it in the whole apartment and surroundings, or only some room/part of the room?
6. What type of device are you trying to connect with? (PC, Mobile, Ipad).
7. With which method are you trying to connect.
8. Please send us your MAC address for us to investigate properly.

Gløshaugen: In case of problems, contact our provider: Tele-Com Midt-Norge.
Phone: 740 44 509.

Voll: Try to reset the router, if there are still problems, contact Telia customer service.

Gjovik: When a resident complains to us we have to take this further with our provider. It is not always the internet that is at fault. You as a resident must therefore answer the questions below, which we can forward to our supplier — otherwise we have almost nothing to deal with.

1. Which apartment are you in?
2. Define and describe problem — “unstable” is not necessarily telling us anything useful.
3. Are there constantly poor network signals or only for periods?
4. If this is an occasional problem, please specify time of occurrence.
5. Is it in the whole apartment and surroundings, or only some room/part of the room?
6. What type of device are you trying to connect with? (PC, Mobile, Ipad).
7. With which method are you trying to connect.
8. Please send us your MAC address for us to investigate properly.

What should I, as a tenant, maintain?


Unless otherwise agreed, the tenant is obliged to maintain door locks, faucets, water closets, electrical connectors and switches, hot water containers and fixtures and equipment in the domestic space that are not part of the immovable property. The tenant is also obliged to carry out the necessary functional inspection, cleaning, battery replacement, testing of smoke alarms, fire extinguishing equipment, etc.

What you have a duty to maintain, you also have to pay for. That is, if you are in charge of having the walls painted, you will have to pay both the cost of the job being done and the expenses for painting.

What to do if the toilet is clogged?


If the accident occurs, there is a lot you can do yourself, so that you do not have to worry about the cost of a plumber.

1. If the toilet is not completely clogged, but you can see that the water is slowly receding, try pulling down several times. Naturally, you have to wait until the water has receded for each time. You don't want the water to run over the edge.

2. If this does not work, you can fill a large bucket with water and pour from a great height. Then you create a real pressure that can help open up. Often several attempts are needed.

3. If it is completely tight, use a toilet pump with suction cup. The toilet pump with suction cup is a useful aid and something that should be kept in every home. Push the suction cup down into the toilet and push it back and forth many times. Remember that there must be a good amount of water in the toilet to create the right pressure, for you to get the stopper through the siphon.

4. Sometimes it may also be necessary to pull out what is blocking if you do not achieve results on the first attempts. Put on long gloves, remove what you can and if necessary repeat step 1, 2 or 3 depending on where you are in the process.

5. If the first four steps do not help, you may need a drain opener. Plumbo is best known and professionals recommend that you use products that you can buy at, for example, a paint store and that you use them according to instructions for use. Be careful when using such products. Are you still not rid of the problem, call a plumber.

Errors and shortcomings


All Campus Living tenants can report damages/faults and deficiencies.

This can be done via the dorm's maintenance module on

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